Shopkins Birthday Party
Tips and tricks to throwing the best themed Shopkins birthday party!
Peppermint Candy Cane Hot Cocoa Floats
If you're anything like me, you're currently looking at the countless peppermint candy canes laying around wondering what you're going to...
Holiday Photo Card Ideas
It's no secret that Husby and I have taken the art of sending Christmas cards very seriously over the course of our marriage. Ok, I'll...
29 Days of Summer
Will someone please tell me why people are already talking about fall fashion and pumpkin spice everything? Every year by the end of...
Sunday Sundaes
This post is in affiliation with Blue Bunny ice cream. Blue Bunny to ice cream is like skinned knees to playing outside or chalk-filled...
Saws, Sand & Starbucks: Summer S's
Friday Night | Girls night while daddy works late Saturday Morning | Starbucks Date The new mini fraps are the perfect special...
Why My Husband Is A Better Parent Than Me
He doesn’t worry whether the top of her sippy cup matches the bottom, just that she has milk in her glass. He doesn’t worry about if the...
12 Hours A Valentine
9:30 a.m. | Parade of Homes & meeting with builder 11:00 a.m. | Valentine's cookie at local bakery 12:00 p.m. | Relaxing by the...
An Ode To Summer
It officially doesn’t matter where you live; today marks the last day of summer. Here in Wisconsin we’ve had fall-like temperatures on...
I Should've Given Up Nagging For Lent
And not just because it’s pointless (which it really is because I rarely get the results from Husby that I’m reaching for). I’m going to...