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29 Days of Summer

Will someone please tell me why people are already talking about fall fashion and pumpkin spice everything? Every year by the end of August it seems all I hear is how "summer has come to and end". Whether school is starting or not, facts are facts: there are still 29 more days of summer!

We live in the Midwest, so summer is sacred in these parts. And this summer has been, well, interesting to say the least. We've had an abnormal number of both rainy weekends mixed in with crazy hot and humid temps. I'm talking you'd think we lived in Florida with the heat and humidity we've experienced. We've had an unusually high number of days with uncomfortable dew points, bringing our heat indices into the upper 90s and low 100s more often than I would have liked. Some of that is the reason our checklist of summer activities isn't complete, but most of the reason is the simple fact that summer is not over!

While you can see above some of the summer fun we've had, you had better believe the next 29 days will hopefully allow us to check off the remaining items. We'll be crossing off parade and local fair this coming weekend alone, so I think we can do it.

Speaking of this weekend, if you want to keep up to speed and hear my incessant rambling and incredibly random thoughts on everything, the Instagram Storyline has been my jam lately. I know tons of you are checking out my pointless stories every day, but if you're not and want to, follow me here!

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