This last year I repeatedly asked you to stop growing on me. Your response was always variations of the same thing: Do you want me to...
Shopkins Birthday Party
Tips and tricks to throwing the best themed Shopkins birthday party!
You were so up and down on whether you wanted to turn four. In the weeks leading up to your birthday you told me over and over again your fe
House of Rewards
One thing we're really big on in our house is positive reinforcement. Both Husby and I were fortunate enough to grow up in positive...
Life with a Threenager
If you follow my Instagram Storyline you got a little snapshot of our weekend and won’t be at all surprised that today’s post is about...
The way you say accident (accinent), swimming pool (swimming cool), mangos (weegos), Chicago (Cago), Menards (ma-ards). Your little...
But Mama, I Need You.
But Mama, I Need You. If you have a little one—and you’re not a superhuman mom—you’ve heard these words. And like me, perhaps you’ve even...
Surprise A Day While Mommy's Away
Playing the role of a traveling mom is hard. Playing the role of a traveling wife is hard. But playing the role of the husband to the...
So This Is Two
If you’ve had a two-year-old, then you know there are two types. There’s the Oh yeah, my daughter is two and then there’s the OH MY GOSH...
Infant Loss: A 3rd Party Perspective
Peyton Virginia Smolcich. She was born July 1st, 2015 at 3:31 a.m. She was born 15 weeks early. One pound, 6.2 ounces. Sleeping. She was...